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2021 年至 2023 年是BTD分布式存储链的重大战略发展机遇期,基金会提出了指导未来三年发展方向的BTD分布式存储链2023战略


     1、 坚定支持存储节点建设。


     2、 加快产品应用落地。


     3、 加快激励体系优化。


     4、 完善和优化治理体系。


     5、 对白皮书进行技术更新。


     6、 持续分阶段制定发展计划。





BitRice Foundation (Singapore)

Outline of BTD 2023 Strategy (Draft)



From 2021 to 2023, BTD Distributed Storage Chain ecosystem will embrace large-scale industrial applications, large-scale expansion of user number, large-scale coverage globally, large-scale increase of popularity, large-scale display of influence and large-scale recognition of ecological value.

Looking forward to the future, we hope BTD distributed storage chain will be known as a platform of wide range of daily applications and large number of global users, which can be a historic blockchain project compared with BTC and ETH. The key step to achieve this goal is to implement the 2023 Strategy of BTD Distributed Storage Chain Ecosystem. To achieve this history-driving goal, the following strategic plans are proposed after an in-depth analysis of the trends in global distributed storage industry and blockchain industry.


1 BTD distributed storage chain ecosystem has a solid foundation for implementing the 2023 Strategy.


1.1 BTD distributed storage chain has a strong technical background.

Since the test net was online, BTD distributed storage chain has kept stable and safe running with orderly upgrades for 3 years, which laid a good technical foundation for its sustained and steady development in the next 3 years.


1.2 BTD distributed storage chain has a large number of loyal seed nodes.

By the end of 2020, the number of storage nodes to maintain long-term online stability has exceeded 110,000. Most of them are loyal seed nodes, which has laid a good resource foundation for the implementation of the 2023 strategy.


1.3 BTD distributed storage chain has formed a relatively complete application system and made key breakthroughs in the core areas such as distributed cloud disk.

From the beginning, BTD has formed an application system to use the distributed storage resources, the distributed network resources, and the distributed computing resources. As iconic application, the distributed cloud disk will release soon and be used in a large scale. These has laid a good application foundation.


1.4 BTD distributed storage chain has a large number of active users and most of them has firm consensus.

By the end of 2020, the BTD distributed storage chain has more than 5 million active users. A considerable proportion of users in the long-term development of the project has formed a strong confidence in the development direction of BTD distributed storage and understands the development needs efforts and perseverance, which laid a good user foundation for implementing the 2023 strategy.


1.5 BTD distributed storage chain has formed a complete ecological system.

BTD distributed storage chain has formed a relatively complete ecological system, including basic chain development, standardized storage resources services, professional hardware node equipment, professional hosting services, professional application development, professional user services, global community, and other partners of different responsibilities. Being independent but mutually promoting the ecological chain, they cooperate with each other and at the same time have healthy competition, which has laid a good ecological foundation for long-term prosperity and healthy development.


2 BTD distributed storage ecosystem ushers in a period of major strategic opportunities.

The blockchain distributed storage industry remains in the significant period of strategic opportunities in the foreseeable three years, however, there are also some headwinds and challenges.


2.1 The global blockchain industry is on the rise.

Globally, classic blockchain projects, BTC and ETH, have gradually gained recognition in the mainstream world. More and more professional investment institutions have begun to recognize the value of blockchain projects and participate in long-term BTC and ETH investment. In China, the central bank's digital currency is about to be widely available.

The global blockchain industry is booming and ushering in a fast and long-term development, which provide a good industry environment for sustained and rapid development of BTD project.

2.2 Distributed storage embraces historic growth opportunities.

As human society irreversibly moves towards digitalization and the ubiquitous Internet of Things is becoming a reality, data is accelerating its output at a rapidly increasing rate with no foreseeable limits and ends. The era of data explosion has arrived. Data storage has become one of the most important infrastructures. Distributed storage, deploying at the edge of the network, is closer to data sources, therefore it is more in line with the needs of the Internet of Things era when high bandwidth will become a standard configuration.

Moreover, the combination of distributed storage and blockchain technology can protect data privacy and data security better. Distributed storage is ushering in historic development opportunities under the trend of increasing public attention to data privacy and data sovereignty.


2.3 BTD has a broader prospect than FILECOIN.

FILECOIN is a global hotspot in blockchain distributed storage industry.

In terms of storage nodes, hardware, and network requirements of FILECOIN are quite high, while BTD maximizes the utilization of resources and makes most normal storage and bandwidth available. The directional difference in the selection of technical route makes the number of storage node users of BTD 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than FILECOIN.

In terms of user number of applications, FILECOIN's application orientation is not for individual-user-applications, while BTD focuses on supporting individual-user-applications such as Distributed Cloud Disk. With the releasing of Distributed Cloud Disk and other applications, the actual number of BTD users will be 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than FILECOIN.

As blockchain distributed storage projects, in the long run, BTD have a broader application space and longer-term development prospects than FILECOIN to create greater industrial value, because the number of storage nodes and the number of application users of BTD will exceed FILECOIN for 2-3 orders of magnitude, However, there is still a huge gap between BTD and FILECOIN. BTD is a lot weaker than FILECOIN in technological research and standardization, globalization, project visibility and other areas.

In summary, BTD's advantage over FILECOIN is institutional, fundamental, and will continue to widen over time, while the disadvantages are resource-based and temporary and the gap will continue to narrow over time, especially with the implementation of the 2023 strategy. Therefore, in the sub-sector centered on data sovereign of global distributed storage industry, BTD distributed storage ecosystem will gradually to be the leader, ushering in historic development opportunities and facing new challenges. To grasp this unusual historical development opportunity, all the participants of BTD distributed storage ecosystem, on the one hand, must have firm confidence and unshakeable pursuit of their career, on the other hand, must be fully aware of their insufficient, keep learning and improving and be patient of the development process.



2.4 The challenges of BTD distributed storage ecosystem

At present, blockchain industry is still in its infancy, while international political and global economic changes are becoming more and more complex as the COVID-19 epidemic further accelerates the global economic adjustment. In the field of blockchain and distributed storage, there have been some fake projects around the world under the banner of blockchain and distributed storage, but they have neither technical ability nor considering to development, but only trickery. Speculation prevails all over the world resulting in a corrupt market climate, seriously reducing the confidence of distributed storage industry, and resulting in a danger trend of bad currency expulsion of good currency. These are potential threats to the long-term development of BTD.

BTD also faces some important internal problems that core technology needs to be standardized; product application needs to be released; node number needs to be expanded; user scale needs to be globalized; knowledge precipitation needs to be systematized; community communication needs to be standardized; incentive system needs to be rationalized; governance system needs to be institutionalized. These problems are urgent to be systematically resolved to implement the 2023 strategy.


3 Guidelines and main objectives of 2023 Strategy

The 2023 strategy is to build a global distributed storage network that provides the world with more private and secure storage services and promotes greater respect for data sovereignty of individuals.


3.1 Guiding principles that must be followed.

  • Keep technology research and development as central task

Blockchain distributed storage is a cross-technology field involving distributed storage and blockchain combined with industrial applications, which needs to keep technology research and development first for a long time to make really progress.

  • Focus on applications

Any technology solution needs to create value as a product and application, so does blockchain distributed storage. Widespread using means the success of the distributed storage.

  • Insist on node construction

The number, quality, and global reach of nodes represents the core resources and strength of a distributed storage network. We all should unswervingly promote the construction of nodes and ensure the quality of nodes to establish a broader, more stable, and more optimized distributed storage network.

  • User is the Core

Strong users are the real driving force for the development of distributed storage. BTD insists that development for users, development depends on users, development results are shared by all users, and insists on safeguarding the fundamental interests of users, stimulating the enthusiasm, initiative, creativity of all users and constantly improving the user experience on the ecological chain of all kinds of application.

We will strengthen the modernization of the governance system and gradually realize the autonomous of users and communities.

  • Adhere to the principle of fairness and rationality

To promote the sustainable development of the ecological system, we should adhere to the long-term fairness of all users in the ecological chain. With corresponding and reasonable incentives at different stages of development, the chain encourages users of different contributions in different historical stages and different fields to maintain long-term rationality.

  • Adhere to the principle of security and compliance

BTD adheres to system safety in the first place, paying attention to prevent and resolve major risks and challenges, and adheres to achieve the integration of development speed, development quality, user structure, user scale, value benefits and long-term security of the ecological chain.

BTD adheres to global compliance and localization.


3.2 Main objectives of the 2023 strategy

Anchoring a historical positioning to be compared with BTC and ETH as the vision goal of 2025 and adhering to the combination of goal orientation and problem orientation, the BTD ecological chain will strive to achieve the following main objectives in the next three years:

  • Node construction all over the world

The quantity, quality and coverage of distributed storage nodes are the core indicators to measure distributed storage networks. It is the core task of the 2023 Strategy to build distributed storage nodes covering the whole world.

  • Key breakthroughs in core technologies and standardization.

Major breakthroughs in core technologies and standardization will provide a solid technical guarantee for building a more stable and secure distributed storage network.

  • Distributed cloud disk and other applications widely used

BTD will realize the demonstration and benchmark application of distributed storage globally, such as distributed cloud disk, and create value through real used applications.

  • Build a global user system

Globalize and localize users and communities around the world.

  • Build a long-term stable and active incentive system

Through a pragmatic, efficient, fair, and long-term incentive system, we can fully stimulate the enthusiasm of all participants in the ecological chain and ensure the long-term prosperity of the ecological chain.

  • Build a modern community governance system with autonomy management

A modern community governance system, such as blockchain-based voting system, is built to realize the common management and decision-making autonomy of all users in the BTD distributed storage ecological chain.

  • Build a scientific and standardized knowledge system and an orderly vivid media system

Building a scientific and standardized knowledge system, an orderly and vivid media system, a vibrant learning community to provide continuous and endless energy for BTD distributed storage ecology.


4 Build a global coverage of distributed storage network

Storage nodes are the foundation of BTD distributed storage chain.

To build a distributed storage network covering the whole world, it is necessary for all professional hardware manufacturers and user communities to work together, take the 2023 strategy as the same goal and coordinate the overall industrial partners to promote each other for co-construction and sharing. All participants should uphold the open concept and deepen pragmatic cooperation to expand cooperation with third-party markets such as traditional cloud computing and cloud storage manufacturers to build a mutually beneficial and win-win industrial chain cooperation system, and to actively promote international cooperation to develop the construction of nodes.


4.1 Promote the global distributed storage infrastructure.

BTD will strengthen the basic layout globally to build an energy-saving, elastically expansible, safe and reliable, and future-oriented distributed storage infrastructure system.


4.2 Optimize the distribution of distributed storage resources and promote coordinated regional development.

According to the geographical location, the infrastructure construction and operation of the data center, and considering the long-term cost and stability of the electric power supply and bandwidth, the manufacturers and the users will find the comprehensive cost-effective area and give full play to their strengths to formulate reasonable construction objectives and form a global resource distribution which can meet the basic requirements of global coverage needs.


4.3 Strength the BTD security system

The chain will comprehensively strengthen the network security system and security protection ability.

We will guard against hacking, sabotage, and theft, strengthen compliance and communication with governments and use legal rights to combat all kinds of malicious acts such as hacking.


5 Deeply plough distributed storage core technology and actively promote the standardization

Technology development is the heart of BTD distributed storage chain.


5.1 Strengthen supporting technology development of distributed storage and further improve the utilization efficiency of distributed storage resources


5.2 Strengthen the underlying technology of blockchain and further improve the incentive mechanism for storage-related services

5.3 Strengthen the standardization of storage services


5.4 Strengthen the technology of data sovereignty, establish basic systems and standard norms such as property rights, transaction flow and security protection of data resources, and promote the development and utilization of data resources under the premise of ensuring data security and privacy of personal information


5.5 Actively participate in the development of international standards in relevant areas


5.6 Comprehensively improve the level of opening up of the project and further expand the open-source ratio of the code


5.7 Fully guarantee chain security and the stability of distributed storage networks, and enhance impact resistance


6 Build a distributed storage application cluster with distributed cloud disk as the breakthrough

The application combined with daily life is the value supporting of BTD distributed storage chain.


6.1 Take distributed cloud disk as the breakthrough and set the benchmark for large-scale landing application of BTD distributed storage chain

Distributed cloud disk is a killer application. Its users will growth rapidly and worldwide in the next 3 years.


6.2 Promote strategic emerging applications centered on data applications and form complementary clusters of distributed storage applications

Application partners are encouraged to develop different types of strategic emerging applications in different areas, such as blockchain electronic contracts, VPNs and other applications that are deeply integrated with the daily life and industry.


7 User growth and globalization

Users are the life of BTD distributed storage chain.

At present, BTD users are mainly concentrated in Chinese mainland. Europe, the United States, and other regions accounted for only 1%.


7.1 User growth.

Looking ahead to the next 10 years, the East Asia will play an important role in the global economy and China will be the leader. BTD distributed storage chain have many users in China now, which is a very forward-looking strategic layout.

In the next 3 years, BTD will globalize its users, covering Europe, the United States, and other regions.


7.2 Localization in developing countries with huge population

In the next 10 years, the population patterns of the world will be changed. Some new countries will be the new emerging markets. BTD needs to localize at these regions.


7.3 Compliance

With the localization of users and communities around the world, BTD will comply with the laws and regulations of the countries and achieve long-term sustainable development of global community.


7.4 The BTD-based platform economy.

Ecological users are huge wealth of BTD. The BTD platform will further strengthen its openness to attract quality service providers based on the BTD platform to provide valuable and demand-based services, focusing on quality and experience. Ecology will also appropriately increase the chain-based query and voting and other public consumption.


8 Build a positive, fair and dynamic incentive system

Incentive system is the blood of BTD distributed storage ecological chain.


8.1 Revitalize all participants in the ecological chain

We will unswervingly encourage, consolidate, and promote all of the participants in the ecological chain, such as the node builders, the hardware partners, the developers, the users, the custom service partners, the promoters and the communities, therefore everyone in the ecological chain could find his own way to development.


8.2 Raise the reward of storage nodes.

The chain will keep the storage task workload as the main basis with a variety of incentives to improve the storage node's comprehensive reward. The chain will improve the comprehensive evaluation mechanism according to the quantity of storage tasks and the quality of task execution, so that high-quality nodes can get the higher rewards.


8.3 Regulate promotional behavior and promotional incentives.

The chain will insist on regulating promotional behavior and optimizing promotional rewards. It is important to improve the second distribution mechanism of promotional rewards with reasonable optimization and adjustment as well as appropriate strength and precision. The chain will develop the donation and honor system and comprehensively balance the distribution pattern of long-term incentives.


8.4 Maintain the long-term healthy operation of the system and avoid systemic risks

Risk early warning, prevention and control mechanisms should be founded for sustainable and safe operation of the system. At the same time, legal means should be used for the combating of hacking and fraud.


9 Build a modern system of ecological autonomy

Improving the efficiency of governance is the key to ensure the long-term healthy development of BTD distributed storage chain.

Participants in the BTD ecosystem chain include but are not limited to basic chain development, standardized storage resource services, professional hardware node equipment, professional application development, professional hosting services, professional sales services, professional user services, the global community, and other independent and collaborative subjects. All participants play their role in the ecological autonomy.


9.1 Establish a modern system of ecological autonomy.

To realize the 2023 Strategy, great efforts should be made to promote the cooperation of all participants in ecology and form an ecological autonomy system with goal optimization, rational division of work, fair competition and efficient coordination. Special efforts should be made to promote the ecological subjects to improve their own risk prevention, early warning and responsibility system for a sustainable and healthy ecology.


9.2 Strengthen and innovate governance systems.

Innovating the governance system is to build an ecological governance community that every participant is responsible. A voting system where all participants vote on important matters and all results are recorded in the BTD distributed storage chain should be founded. The communities and users will play an important role in the governance to make the decision-making more scientific, democratic, and institutionalized.


10 A fundamental BTD knowledge system and a vivid dissemination system

The construction of BTD knowledge and dissemination system is an important work in the implementation of the 2023 strategy.

A reasonable incentive mechanism will be founded to encouraging talents to produce high-quality knowledge-based content, to encouraging communication-based talents to disseminate knowledge. It is helpful to build a learning-oriented ecology for the sustainable and continuous ecological growth.


10.1 Stimulate the innovative vitality of knowledge-based talent

A knowledge-based talent evaluation and incentive system will be built, guided by actual contributions such as the number of citations and quality score, to encourage and create a global team of experts and lecturers.


10.2 Build a scientific and normative knowledge system

A standard knowledge base should be built to accumulate professional, healthy, and vivid BTD content. The base should be classified as blockchain basics, cloud computing and cloud storage basics, distributed storage fundamentals, distributed cloud disk and other industry application basics, as well as BTD project related knowledge and other basic knowledge system. The system can be scored through online testing.

All participants can remake the content into audio, video, animation, Power Point, and other vivid types in different languages. After assessing, all qualified contents can join the BTD knowledge base, being referenced and rewarded.


10.3 Build an orderly and lively dissemination system

The BTD dissemination system is mainly online dissemination, while conditional communities can also organize offline dissemination. All dissemination behavior must strictly abide by local laws and regulations and all dissemination content must be in line with the BTD standard knowledge system.

Building a learning community is key to maintain continuous progress.

In the process of BTD's dissemination, all participants must clearly understand the value of BTD's project prospects, technology and application and must unswervingly adhere to the combination of BTD and practical industry applications in order to contribute to the implementation of the 2023 strategy.


11 Work together to achieve the 2023 Strategy

To realize the 2023 strategy, all participants must start from the overall situation, be unswervingly united and mobilize all positive factors to form an unstoppable strong force to win.


11.1 Keep learning

With the implementation of the 2023 strategy, BTD distributed storage chain will achieve its historic position. It’s a glory of all the participants and everyone need to grow with the trend. Continuous learning is needed to correctly realize the inevitability of the development trend and to correctly understand the development process is full of twists and turns.


11.2 Work together

According to the 2023 strategy, all partners in the ecological chain will be promoted to make their own plans to form a strategic system with accurate positioning, clear borders, complementary functions, and unified convergence. We should work together to ensure the successful completion of the 2023 strategic objectives.


The implementation of the 2023 Strategy of BTD distributed storage ecological chain is of great significance, difficult task and bright prospects.

All BTD distributed storage ecosystem peers working together with perseverance will bring a bright future to global distributed storage.

BitRice Foundation (Singapore)